“But I’m nervous about other people seeing us having our photos taken”

Two things…

1. Don’t be! Whats wrong with having your photos taken, capturing precious memories of your bump, with your family or building your business? Nothing at all. My sessions are super chilled and actually, it’s fairly un-obvious that it’s “photoshoot” and if anything it’s normally me making a fool out of my self tripping over in dug out sand bits on the beach or tree roots when I’m not looking where I’m going. I stopped caring so much about what people thought about me many years ago, right around when I had kids actually and gosh it feels sooo good to be much more unapologetically of these things and embrace what you really want to do! 

2. If you really do feel conscious, hoping to reveal a certain surprise or thinking of getting some more intimate or skin-heavy shots, I’ve got lots of little secret locations that we can visit which rarely get any visitors, especially early in the morning or later in the day. 

Whatever your concerns are, let’s chat about it and find a solution! 

Jasmine x