The price of photography ✨
Eeeek, talking about money is always such a delicate subject and I could rattle of allll the reasons why I charge what I charge (which, by the way, is no way the most expensive and no judgement to whatever a photographer chooses to price their art) and how much time I spend on admin or editing, how expensive the gear/systems/programs etc etc..
But, I want to talk about how the value of the photography and how it completely out ways the cost.
I truly believe, having quality photographs of a family together or a beautiful bump is invaluable. For families, how often a does a selfie have to suffice? Where at least one of the kids is pulling a face, or a family member is taking the photo (mum, obviously) leaving out an important piece of the family puzzle. Can that iPhone photo be printed in high resolution and used stunning artwork on your wall? Unlikely. The price of NOT having photographs together is easily more of a loss than the monetary value. They are an investment, they gain value every day, month or year. You and your kids are as young as you’ll ever be!
If the luxury of professional photography is still a stretch, I get it cozzie lives.. How about asking for contributions towards a session for a Birthday, Christmas, Anniversary, Christening gift? I do beautiful gift vouchers.
Jasmine x

family - branding - newborn


My belief is that every person should be framed in the moments they’ve felt the most loved and cared for.